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Worship at St. Catherine’s

Welcome! Here’s a bit of what to expect when you come to St. Catherine’s:

When you arrive and park, you’ll have a short walk up some stairs to the church building. We also have a handicap accessible parking lot that you may use. Once inside, you will be warmly welcomed at the front door by our Greeters or Ushers. Let them know that you are visiting and they will be glad to help you find your way around. And if it’s your first time in an Episcopal Church and you’d like some help navigating our bulletin and hymnal, our Ushers and Greeters will be happy to help find someone to sit with you.


Our worship is rooted in the beauty of ancient, traditional liturgy and beautiful music. Children are welcome at all services and we are grateful for the ways they participate in worship. Sometimes parents worry about the sounds their children make—they need not worry! We are glad to have many ages and stages represented in worship.  If you prefer, we offer childcare for children 5 years old and younger. The Greeters will be happy to direct you to the nursery which is staffed with screened, paid adult workers.


All baptized Christians, regardless of age or denomination, are welcome to receive Communion.  If you choose not to receive, but would like a blessing, come forward to the altar rail and cross your arms over your chest.  

As you leave the church, you’re invited to stop at our Welcome Table where you will have an opportunity to sign our Guest Book and receive information about St. Catherine’s. Or if you wish to simply worship with us and be on your way, that’s fine too. Either way you are our honored guest and we are glad to have you with us.

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